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The Tiger King Popularity Pool is Free to Play on DraftKings.

Joe Exotic is now on DraftKings with a free to play Tiger King Popularity Pool. All DraftKings DFS, sportsbook and DK casino players can enter now for a chance to win a share of the $2,000 prize pool.

The best strategy for a popularity pool is to pick the answer that you think the most other players will pick. A perfect popularity pool lineup is one where every answer is the most popular choice. The prize pool is claimed or split by the player(s) with the most correct answers. If 10 DraftKings popularity pool players have perfect lineups, then they would each receive 1/10th of the $2000 prize. That’s $200 at DK each.

The DK popularity pools are free to play. All you have to do is create a new DraftKings account, then click ‘Pools’ at the top of the screen.

Use this clickable DraftKings promo code for the best available sportsbook bonus or casino deal. No deposit is required to enter the Tiger King Pool.

The Tiger King Pool has 12 multiple choice questions. Remember, you need to pick the answer that you think will be the most popular. If you have streamed Tiger 3 times all the way through like some sports betting site writers, then your favorites might differ from the casual fan.

Free Tiger King Pool Pick: Who Would be the best actress to play Carole Baskin?

The DraftKings Tiger King Pool asks this question. Is it Kate Mckinnon, Kate Winslet, Laura Dern, Melissa McCarthy, Meryl Streep or Scarlett Johansson?

The most popular choice to play Carole in a move has got to be Kate McKinnon. This seems like an absolute no brainer. Why? While Laura Dern or Scarlett Johansson surely could capture Carole Baskin masterfully, do they have the name recognition with the DraftKings crowd? Everyone loves Kate McKinnon and only she can pull off bat shit crazy enough to play Carole Baskin. McKinnon is the pick.

Tiger King on Pile It On Podcast

Why not watch the new TPN football show, Pile It On? Learn why Tampa is trending and how the NFL quarterback situation might shake out.

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